Rx confusions / Rx learning curve ( by Hafiz Waleed Hussain )
WOW, we got one more day so its time to make this day awesome by learning something new.?
Hello Guys, hope you are doing good. Today I am going to start a new series of Rx Java2 more specific in Android but first 2-3 posts are generally related to reactive programming. Hope we will learn something new and clear our all confusions together.
Truly saying I faced a lot of issues when I start learning Rx. I tried a lot of tutorials, books but in the end, I am not able to start working with Rx in my app. A lot of tutorials confused me like some are saying as we know iterator pattern which is pull based in the same way Rx is push-based and giving some example but that is useless for me at that time. I want to learn Rx, I want to know the benefits, I want to know how this will save me from a lot of bugs, lines of boilerplate code but every time I will get push vs pull or sometimes I will get imperative vs reactive but never got the real Rx answers which I want. On some posts authors are saying, this is just like Observer pattern. With the passage of time confusion increased, a learning curve is going very difficult. Later I got some more tutorials on FRP then lambda expressions, functional programming. I got a lot of examples in which people are using lambda expressions with calling map, filter blah blah blah functions. But I am on the same page What is Rx and why I choose this paradigm. Later I met with some friends who are using Rx. I ask these guys, can you teach me. They teach me like hey as you know we have an EditText. If you want to check user added any new text. How will you know? I gave an answer I will use change listener.
Oh you know the API is really difficult you can use Rx and that will be very easy by using debounce and simple Rx observable but I asked the question only to save from 10 lines of code I will go with Rx. They replied me no. You can use map, filter or lot of other functions to make your code in good shape and easy. I am not convinced because I can make one class that will manage all these things for me if that is the only benefit. On the other side, I know Netflix and many other big companies are using this paradigm and their stats are good after using Rx. So I am more confused. The day comes when I say ok, done. I am not going with Rx but I know myself. I never quit sometimes I take rest but I never quit. So I decided I already learned a lot of things, in a lot of tutorials but that is just like a puzzle block for me. So Its time to make that puzzle blocks into a proper shape.
Important point. All those tutorials or books which I read I really want to appreciate there authors because they confused me but also they teach me. So everybody really thanks for writing all tutorials and books.
One important point about my post. I am giving you 100% guarantee. At the end of this tutorial series, you will know 80% about Rx Java2 but do not expect I will start directly with Rx Java2. I will go very slow and from very basics but in the end, nobody will confuse.
Very long motivation but that is important to me. It is time to attack:).
I am using IntelliJ in this tutorial for coding tasks.
One suggestion if you are confused just like me then try to forget all terms which are mentioned below.
Flat map
Higher-order functions
Iterator or Pull
etc… oh man.
So we are going to write one component of a real enterprise application system. Which is our first step to reactive paradigm? Basically, that will not give you any information about Rx but that will make some base which we will use in later tutorials.
Our client has a website. He wants, when he publish a new tutorial, all members who subscribed will get an email.
I am not going to implement every thing real but I will implement in a way, so the concept which we want we will grasp easily.
Its time to breakdown our requirement.
1. We have users who are subscribing. Its mean we need to save information about users who subscribed.
2. There should be some database where some row will be inserted when user published a new post. In simple words, on someplace, our data should be changed when tutorial published. Which we need to take care because when that change I need to inform to my subscribe users.
3. Email client, that is not our focus.
First two points are important. I need to implement something which will achieve these two points functionality.
There are a lot of approaches which you can use but I am going with the simplest one according to me. Which will convey my message which I want to share with you.
So we have a one class User which contain only Name and Email of a member. Some people may think, we should have a isSubscribed filed. In my opinion that will make our code complex because then we need to use a loop to determine which are the subscribed users like shown below.
public static class User { private String name; private String email; private boolean isSubscribed; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } public boolean isSubscribed() { return isSubscribed; } public void setSubscribed(boolean subscribed) { isSubscribed = subscribed; } }
So If I am using this class then most probably I have some thing in my main method code where I want to send email code like shown below.
public static void sendEmail(List<User> userList){ for (User user : userList) { if(user.isSubscribed){ // send email to user } } }
But I am going in a different way. So my user class is given below
public static class User { private String name; private String email; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } }
So I did not have any isSubscribed filed. Its mean when I will call the sendEmail function there is no if like shown below.
public static void sendEmail(List<User> userList){ for (User user : userList) { // send email to user } }
Good. OK, now its time to check how I can manage my subscribed users. Basically, in this example, I am going to take things in Memory so I am going to initialize one list of users. In which, I only save those users, who click a subscribed button. If that is in a real app then I have one table in a database. Its time to show you some more code.
private static List<User> subscribedUsers = new ArrayList<>();
Imagine we have four users A, B, C and D. All will subscribe except B. So I am going to show you code how I will do that in our main method.
public static void main(String[] args){ User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button subscribedUsers.add(A); subscribedUsers.add(C); subscribedUsers.add(D); }
Now the first point is done. In which we need to save information about those users who wants email.
Its time to take care of the second point. When user publish new tutorial I want to inform. Here I have one class, Tutorial like shown below.
public static class Tutorial{ private String authorName; private String post; public String getAuthorName() { return authorName; } public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { this.authorName = authorName; } public String getPost() { return post; } public void setPost(String post) { this.post = post; } }
Here again, we need a some place where we will save our tutorials. So in a real app, I should have a table but in this example, I am going to initialize one List of Tutorials. Which will save all my old and new tutorials just like shown below.
private static List<Tutorial> publishedTutorials = new ArrayList<>();
Here I am going to increase the complexity of our code :P. For example, I have already 3 tutorials Android 1, Android 2 and Android 3. All users subscribed, after 3 tutorials already published. Its mean when I will add Android 4 tutorial then all users will get an email. First I am going to show you only first part how I am going to add first 3 tutorials and later user will subscribe for email.
public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz", "........"); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz", "........"); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz", "........"); publishedTutorials.add(android1); publishedTutorials.add(android2); publishedTutorials.add(android3); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button subscribedUsers.add(A); subscribedUsers.add(C); subscribedUsers.add(D); }
Now the most important point comes. Now I published the fourth tutorial as shown below.
public static void main(String[] args){ //Ignore the below code up to bold lines start Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); publishedTutorials.add(android1); publishedTutorials.add(android2); publishedTutorials.add(android3); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button subscribedUsers.add(A); subscribedUsers.add(C); subscribedUsers.add(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); publishedTutorials.add(android4); }
How I can determine fourth or any new tutorial published so I can send emails.
Hmmm, very critical requirement. I am going to implement polling. Polling means I have a timer which will check any thing change in my data after some time interval. Here I am going to take an int object which will work for me as a data changed informer as shown below.
private static int lastCountOfPublishedTutorials = 0;
Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); publishedTutorials.add(android1); publishedTutorials.add(android2); publishedTutorials.add(android3); lastCountOfPublishedTutorials = publishedTutorials.size(); polling();
Now I got a focus point. Which I need to take care. If this count change its mean something change. In our case that always new tutorial publish so I need to send an email. Its time to see how I implement Polling.
private static void polling(){ Polling polling = new Polling(); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(polling, 0,1000); }
This method will call when server start or in our case when the main method called. This method always active and after one second will check my data as changed or not shown below.
public static class Polling extends TimerTask{ @Override public void run() { if(lastCountOfPublishedTutorials < publishedTutorials.size()){ lastCountOfPublishedTutorials = publishedTutorials.size(); sendEmail(subscribedUsers); } System.out.println("Polling"); } }
Very simple. I am only checking if count changed then update count and send email to all subscribed users. Output on IDE shown below
Email send: A
Email send: C
Email send: D
Done. Everything which is given by client is done but its time to review our approach. I think polling is really bad. Any thing else which we can use?
Yes, we can. Its time to use the second approach to achieve this functionality.
Now I am going to change some code in our classes. Guys, I am again going from very basic so currently, no interfaces, nothing abstract every thing will be concrete. In the end, I will do little bit refactoring so we can see a clear picture like how things are working in Profession Software development.
Its time to see what new changes occurred in Tutorial class as shown below.
public static class Tutorial{ private String authorName; private String post; public Tutorial() { } public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } private static List<Tutorial> publishedTutorials = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<User> subscribedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); public static void addSubscribedUser(User user){ subscribedUsers.add(user); } public static void publish(Tutorial tutorial){ publishedTutorials.add(tutorial); sendEmail(subscribedUsers); } }
In new code, the Tutorial class will take care of publish tutorials. Tutorial class will take care of subscribed users. Like you can see addSubscribedUser method. Now its time to show you main method code. You can easily compare what are the changes between these two approaches.
public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); Tutorial.publish(android1); Tutorial.publish(android2); Tutorial.publish(android3); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button Tutorial.addSubscribedUser(A); Tutorial.addSubscribedUser(C); Tutorial.addSubscribedUser(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); Tutorial.publish(android4); }
Now the tutorial class is responsible for publishing tutorial. Also that class managing subscription of users. So we remove first polling. Which is a really big achievement. Then developer no more responsible to write logic which will inform any thing change in data so we remove Object lastCountOfPublishedTutorials.
That is really awesome. Output is shown below.
Email send: A
Email send: C
Email send: D
I know above output not clear because program exit so I am going to implement one logic which only make our program always run in memory, never exit and also published new tutorial after 1 second. So we can see how emails are going.
Email send: A
Email send: C
Email send: D
Email send: A
Email send: C
Email send: D
Email send: A
Email send: C
Email send: D
…… Never exit
Now its time to find some more good and professional approach. We have any approach?
Yes, we have but before that, I am going to explain some english terms.
Any body can explain Observable?
In my english. Any thing which can be observe. Like I have a really beautiful tree in my garden. I mostly observe that so its mean tree is observable. Now there is a thunderstorm when I am observing the tree. I observed some of the there leafs are fallen down due to the fast wind. So what is happening. Tree is observable and I am an observer. The time when I am an observer, I can feel the change in a tree. Now I am not alone my wife also with me but she is not observing the tree. So when first leave fallen down, I can feel something change but my wife not. Later she also start observing the tree. This time when second leave fallen down we both can feel the change. Its mean tree as an Observable, telling to its observers something changed.
If I do the same thing by using polling then what will happen. I count the tree leafs and remember the result. After one second I count again and I compare this result with the last result so I feel there is a change but I am doing after every one second. hahahaha In reality I am not able to do.
In first scenario Observable is responsible to inform there observers about change that you can say Push (Rx is Push).
In second scenario my Polling is checking any change then need to inform our users that you can say Pull.
So its time to implement Observable, Observer strategy.
In our app what is Observable? Yes, you are right Tutorials. And who is observing? Yes, Users.
Now I am going to introduce the interfaces which we used in professional software development for Observer pattern.
public interface Observer{ // New tutorial published void notifyMe(); }
public interface Observable{ void register(Observer observer); void unregister(Observer observer); // New tutorial published to inform all subscribed users void notifyAllAboutChange(); }
Now we can see abstract or generic interfaces. Observer and Observable.
In our app User is observer so I will implement Observer interface on that class and Tutorial is Observable so I am implementing Observable to Tutorial class as shown below.
public static class User implements Observer{ private String name; private String email; public User() { } public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } @Override public void notifyMe() { sendEmail(this); } }
Now here User will be informed by Tutorial, hey I published a new post by calling notifyMe() method.
public static class Tutorial implements Observable{ private String authorName; private String post; private Tutorial() {}; public static Tutorial REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = new Tutorial(); public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } private static List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void register(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } @Override public void unregister(Observer observer) { observers.remove(observer); } @Override public void notifyAllAboutChange() { for (Observer observer : observers) { observer.notifyMe(); } } public void publish(){ notifyAllAboutChange(); } }
So what changes occur in this class. First I changed User to Observer. So any observer want to know any new tutorial published he can register. In our case that is User because User implemented this interface.
Then register and unregister simple methods which manage the subscription or un subscription.
For register and unregister, we are using class level object REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION. Then notifyAllAboutChange method. Which will inform to all observers hey some thing changed. The last method is publish, which currently instance level method. Any time I call publish method, all register observers will informed by calling there notifyMe() method.
public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); android1.publish(); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); android2.publish(); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); android3.publish(); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.register(A); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.register(C); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.register(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); android4.publish(); }
That is really simple no need to explain. Ok, guys so now I have a feeling every body will know what is Observable and what is an observer. These are really important instead these are the only terms which used 99.9% time in Rx. So if you have clear image what is that you can easily grab the Rx paradigm. Also if you saw we get a really big benefit by using this pattern in our app. Now I am going to change this last code again by using Rx lib. Before the start, I want to discuss some points.
1. This is not an awesome example but I want you should know what Observable, Observer, Pull, Push
2. The functionality which I am going to implement by RxJava is a very very small thing in perspective of Rx benefits.
3. I am not going to explain you any thing about methods which I am going to use. Only try to review code and don’t take tension. In later tutorials, you will know everything.
4. Again this is not the only real power of Rx Java. Basically, I used this example to make basic ground for me and my friends.
Integrate java rx lib in your project. You can download from here.
Its time to enjoy how many line of code will remove by using this rx library. Also, you can imagine if I want to implement this Observer Patteren on 8 places in my project how much code I need to write which is boilerplate but by using Rx that is nothing.
First I removed Observable and Observer interfaces from my classes.
public interface Observer{ // New tutorial published void notifyMe(); }
public interface Observable{ void register(Observer observer); void unregister(Observer observer); // New tutorial published to inform all subscribed users void notifyAllAboutChange(); }
public static class Userimplements Observer{ private String name; private String email; public User() { } public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; }@Override public void notifyMe() { sendEmail(this); }}
public static class Tutorialimplements Observable{ private String authorName; private String post; private Tutorial() {}; public static Tutorial REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = new Tutorial();
public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; }private static List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void register(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } @Override public void unregister(Observer observer) { observers.remove(observer); } @Override public void notifyAllAboutChange() { for (Observer observer : observers) { observer.notifyMe(); } }public void publish(){notifyAllAboutChange();} }
Now I am going to implement Rx Java lib methods.
User (Observer) class after Rx applying shown below.
public static class User implements Action1{ private String name; private String email; public User() {} public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() {return name;} public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;} public String getEmail() {return email;} public void setEmail(String email) {this.email = email;} @Override public void call(Object o) { sendEmail(this); } }
We can say Action1 is the helper interface from Rx lib which used for Observers.
Tutorial (Observable) class after Rx applying shown below.
public static class Tutorial { private String authorName; private String post; private Tutorial() {} public static rx.Observable REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = rx.Observable.just(new Tutorial()); public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } public void publish(){ REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.publish(); } }
Wow if we compare this class with old one, we removed a lot of code. What I did here. By using Rx I converted my REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION to Rx Observable. Now we already know what is Observable. So any observer can subscribed to my Observable and when Observable publish method will called automatically all observers will informed.
Its time to show you main method code.
public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); android1.publish(); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); android2.publish(); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); android3.publish(); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.subscribe(A); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.subscribe(C); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.subscribe(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); android4.publish(); }
There is no big difference in main method code block. Output of above code.
Email send: A
Email send: C
Email send: D
Hurray. Everything working same except we make thing simple and easy in implementation perspective.
As a conclusion. We only try to learn Observer Pattern which is a base of Rx. Second, if I ask you I have 8 modules which required notification functionality in a same code. So you need to implement eight times Observer and Observable interfaces and lot of boilerplate code. But by using Rx now you know only called rx.Observable.just() method and that object work like observable. Then any observer can subscribe to that Observable. If you guys are confused again you can forgot the Rx part. Only remember what is Observer Pattern. In next post, I will introduce Rx in a proper way by using this concept which we learned today.
All codes are written below. You can copy and past on your IDE and play with these.
OK, Guys Bye Bye. Next post Pull vs Push & Imperative vs Reactive – Reactive Programming [Android RxJava2] ( What the hell is this ) Part2.
Polling Approach:
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; /** * Created by waleed on 04/02/2017. */ public class Main { private static List<User> subscribedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<Tutorial> publishedTutorials = new ArrayList<>(); private static int lastCountOfPublishedTutorials = 0; public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); publishedTutorials.add(android1); publishedTutorials.add(android2); publishedTutorials.add(android3); lastCountOfPublishedTutorials = publishedTutorials.size(); polling(); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button subscribedUsers.add(A); subscribedUsers.add(C); subscribedUsers.add(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); publishedTutorials.add(android4); } public static void sendEmail(List<User> userList){ for (User user : userList) { // send email to user System.out.println("Email send: "+user.getName()); } } public static class User { private String name; private String email; public User() { } public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } } public static class Tutorial{ private String authorName; private String post; public Tutorial() { } public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } public String getAuthorName() { return authorName; } public void setAuthorName(String authorName) { this.authorName = authorName; } public String getPost() { return post; } public void setPost(String post) { this.post = post; } } private static void polling(){ Polling polling = new Polling(); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(polling, 0,1000); } public static class Polling extends TimerTask{ @Override public void run() { if(lastCountOfPublishedTutorials < publishedTutorials.size()){ lastCountOfPublishedTutorials = publishedTutorials.size(); sendEmail(subscribedUsers); } System.out.println("Polling"); } } }
First Refactoring Approach:
/** * Created by waleed on 04/02/2017. */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ polling(); Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); Tutorial.publish(android1); Tutorial.publish(android2); Tutorial.publish(android3); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button Tutorial.addSubscribedUser(A); Tutorial.addSubscribedUser(C); Tutorial.addSubscribedUser(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); Tutorial.publish(android4); } private static void polling(){ Polling polling = new Polling(); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(polling, 0,1000); } public static class Polling extends TimerTask{ @Override public void run() { Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); Tutorial.publish(android4); } } public static void sendEmail(List<User> userList){ for (User user : userList) { // send email to user System.out.println("Email send: "+user.getName()); } } public static class User { private String name; private String email; public User() { } public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } } public static class Tutorial{ private String authorName; private String post; public Tutorial() { } public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } private static List<Tutorial> publishedTutorials = new ArrayList<>(); private static List<User> subscribedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); public static void addSubscribedUser(User user){ subscribedUsers.add(user); } public static void publish(Tutorial tutorial){ publishedTutorials.add(tutorial); sendEmail(subscribedUsers); } } }
Professional/Observer Pattern Approach:
import java.util.*; /** * Created by waleed on 04/02/2017. */
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); android1.publish(); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); android2.publish(); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); android3.publish(); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.register(A); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.register(C); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.register(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); android4.publish(); } public static void sendEmail(User user){ System.out.println("Email send: "+user.getName()); } public static class User implements Observer{ private String name; private String email; public User() { } public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { this.email = email; } @Override public void notifyMe() { sendEmail(this); } } public static class Tutorial implements Observable{ private String authorName; private String post; private Tutorial() {} public static Tutorial REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = new Tutorial(); public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } private static List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void register(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } @Override public void unregister(Observer observer) { observers.remove(observer); } @Override public void notifyAllAboutChange() { for (Observer observer : observers) { observer.notifyMe(); } } public void publish(){ notifyAllAboutChange(); } } public interface Observable{ void register(Observer observer); void unregister(Observer observer); // new tutorial published to tell all subscribed users void notifyAllAboutChange(); } public interface Observer{ // New tutorial published void notifyMe(); } }
Rx Approach: (Note integrate Rx lib in your project)
import rx.*; import rx.Observable; import rx.Observer; import rx.functions.Action; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.observers.Observers; import java.util.*; /** * Created by waleed on 04/02/2017. */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ Tutorial android1 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 1", "........"); android1.publish(); Tutorial android2 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 2", "........"); android2.publish(); Tutorial android3 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 3", "........"); android3.publish(); // I have already three tutorials and later user subscribed for email User A = new User("A","a@a.com"); User B = new User("B","b@a.com"); User C = new User("C","c@a.com"); User D = new User("D","d@a.com"); // Now A,C and D click subscribe button Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.subscribe(A); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.subscribe(C); Tutorial.REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.subscribe(D); Tutorial android4 = new Tutorial("Hafiz 4", "........"); android4.publish(); } public static void sendEmail(User user){ System.out.println("Email send: "+user.getName()); } public static class User implements Action1{ private String name; private String email; public User() {} public User(String name, String email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } public String getName() {return name;} public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;} public String getEmail() {return email;} public void setEmail(String email) {this.email = email;} @Override public void call(Object o) { sendEmail(this); } } public static class Tutorial { private String authorName; private String post; private Tutorial() {} public static rx.Observable REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION = rx.Observable.just(new Tutorial()); public Tutorial(String authorName, String post) { this.authorName = authorName; this.post = post; } public void publish(){ REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.publish(); } } }
A very helpful article. Hope to see next chapters soon. One suggestion is to add the line System.out.println(“Email send: “+user.getName());
to the sendEmail method during explanation. The outputs for me were a bit confusing.
Thanks. Sure next time I will try my best to make things more good for readers.
Thank you so much! Before view your article, I very hate reactive programming because it’s too redundant. After read few lines in part 2, it’s very interesting. Thank you!
It is very clear and simple. You’re a good teacher. Thank you for your work, waiting for the continuation!
Thank you for your clear and straight forward explanations.
Referring to the implementation version using RxJava:
When Tutorial’s publish() is called last on main – i.e, REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.publish();
what line(s) of codes are being executed? does Rx mapps that call to User class call method which is in turn sends the email to the user? if so, where is it stated?
What about rx.Observable/Tutorial subscribe method? where is it implemented?
Yes Rx maps that call under the hood. Basically the questions which you ask me are handled by Rx lib.
When I will call subscribe, I am registering my self to Observable for new changes.
Now when I call android4.publish();
Basically that is calling my REGISTER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION.publish();
Now all those observers like A,C,D there call() methods will be called because I am implementing this class with Action. For learning purpose, you can imagine Action is equivalent of Observer interface.
Hope ambiguity is clear. If not ask me again. No problem.
Hafiz you are wrong. Your call() methods are invoke when you start subscribe User (in this moment you prints your email send message). Your android4.publish() method do nothing
Hi Karol,
Thank you for raising this mistake. I will update my post. Again thanks 🙂
Wow. The best article so far on RxJava. Takes you from 0 to take-off speed in no time. Thumbs up.
Isn’t publish meant to convert to connenctableobservable? How Can subscribers get an update when publish is called?