- Interview
- Android Dev Summits
- Constraint Layout 2.0 ( What the hell is this ) Season 2
- Reactive Programming (What the hell is this )[Rx | Java | Android ] Season 2
- Evolution of Android Architecture Patterns
- Case Study for Android CI -> CD -> CD = Continuous * ( Integration, Delivery, Deployment )
- Dagger 2 ( Kotlin + Java ) PLEASE TRY AT HOME
- Observer Pattern – Reactive Programming [Android RxJava2] ( What the hell is this ) Part1
- Pull vs Push & Imperative vs Reactive – Reactive Programming [Android RxJava2] ( What the hell is this ) Part2
- Functional Interfaces, Default Methods, { Higher Order – Pure – Side Effects in } + Functions, Im + { Mutable } , Lambda Expression & Functional Programming – Reactive Programming [ Android RxJava2 ] ( What the hell is this ) Part3
- War against Learning Curve of Rx Java 2 + Java 8 Stream [ Android RxJava2 ] ( What the hell is this ) Part4
- Dialogue between Rx Observable and a Developer (Me) [ Android RxJava2 ] ( What the hell is this ) Part5
- Continuation (Summer vs Winter Observable) of Dialogue between Rx Observable and a Developer (Me) [ Android RxJava2 ] ( What the hell is this ) Part6
- Continuation (Observable Marriage Proposal to Observer) of Dialogue between Rx Observable and a Developer (Me) [ Android RxJava2 ] ( What the hell is this ) Part7
- Confusion between Subject and Observable + Observer [ Android RxJava2 ] ( What the hell is this ) Part8
- Google Android Certification
- Constraint Layout (What the hell is this )
- Material Design & Support Libraries
- Continuous Integration ( CI )
- Social Networking
- SQLite
- Content Provider
- Video Podcast